MUSINGWAY as a leader in artificial intelligence, is proud to introduce the new AI extended activities in robotics, games, & different types of desktop &
web-based applications all over the world in different languages. Software Quality Control as in the standards of IEEE & ASQ is done in all of our software.
MUSINGWAY Network is one of most professional teams in implementing and performing wireless networks, & guaranteeing security on the networks & web sites. Intelligent web-based programming & designing make us comfortable about the security.
MUSINGWAY is a premier Offshore Development Company offering diverse services in fields like .NET technology, ASP programming , PHP programming,
JAVA/J2EE/J2ME/J2SE, VC++, VB, web site development and software development. Our Core Expertise has made us one of the key
companies in the leading Iranian IT industry. We have expertise in developing ERP System, CRM Applications, E-Commerce Applications, Content Management
Systems, Enterprise Application Integration, Mobile Applications, and etc.
It took MUSINGWAY just 10 years to expand from five people to an established international software house with over 25 full-time employees. As stated in our
Company Value, we are a people-oriented company; we aim at success of both our clients and our employees.
Today, MUSINGWAY employs more than 25 professionals. Among them there are managers, IT analysts, business analysts, software architects, programmers,
developers, testers, QA engineers, maintenace staff, etc.
All these people are completly different, but they have one thing in common - talent, a real desire fpr self-improvement and willingness contribute to the success of
our company. We understand that what is good for MUSINGWAY is good for its emloyees.
MUSINGWAY is a place where talented and industrious people can fully realize their potential. A challenging yet friendly atmosphere is a pledge of personal success
of our employees. We believe that corporate success is the combined result of personal progress of each member of our team.