 | Why MUSINGWAY ? |
 | Experience in large size projects |
Big software development projects are rare in the outsourcing world. We know how to organize successful multi-site projets that are 170+ man-years of efforts.
And smaller ones, too.
 | Shorter project time and cost optimization |
We are able to decrease projects development efforts and duration., and thus, your development costs. A seperate team of software architects develops and improves
architecture components that are the basis of your software or web project. Free to you.
 | The best brains works for you |
Human element is at the heart of offshore software development. In our software copany we have organized two laboratories and one training center in cooperation
with two major technical universities in our country. It enables us to find, select, and employ the best technical specialists and managers available on the market
of software companies.
 | Project rescue service |
If you are not succeeding with your current software development, our outsourcing project, worked out by other software companies, we know how to rescue it.
 | Why outsourcing to Iran ? |
Outsourcing brings strategic value to companies through:
- Reducing costs - Transforming fixed costs to variable costs providing operational flexibility
- Acess to expertise - Of outsourcing partners many of whom offer domain competencies
- Focus on core business - A firm's executives are freed to focus on building and strengthening their company's core business
- Increased operational flexibility - Allowing organizations to better adapt to market changes and customer demands
- Improved service quality
- Ability to scale - Rapidly to match a company's growth
The strategic value to a company lies in iys ability to have world class service, operate through best practices without having to make significant investments and
manage processes internally or increasing headcount and fixed costs.