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Open Source

Open Source Software Development Applications

MUSINGWAY has a small team of professionals who have formed Open Source Software development competency. MUSINGWAY has invested in open source software research and training of its team. Customizing Open Source development applications innovatively for wide adoption by customers has been the focus of our software competency group in the recent months. MUSINGWAY has professionals experienced in offering Linux based services as part of our offerings in the Open Source domain.

Benefits of using open source software:

  • Cost savings typically range from 70% to 90% compared to a product developed from scratch, depending on the complexity of customization
  • Development time and cost reduced by over 50%
  • Software comes with rights to modify
  • Complete flexibility for meeting specific needs (not available with proprietary software)
  • Enhanced portability
  • Vendor neutrality
  • Availability of quick fixes and feature enhancements
  • Availability of large pool of talented developers at short notice
  • Current Status of most open source software development applications:
  • Result of collaborative effort of a group of people, often working on voluntary basis
  • Released on an 'as-is' basis, without any guarantee on the quality of the software
  • Often addresses a particular domain's functionality.
  • Often requires more than one open source software development application to be integrated and customized
  • No definitive source for obtaining the required technical support.

How does MUSINGWAY add value to your open source software development project:
  • We analyze client requirements thoroughly to understand your business needs
  • We perform extensive research to identify the best open source applications that suits our client's business needs
  • We analyze the open source software development application to understand the product and the underlying code thoroughly and intimately
  • We identify areas that need customization, and prepare a plan to integrate multiple open source software development applications
  • After customizing and integrating the applications, we subject the software to a thorough QA and testing cycle to rectify any inherent software defects
  • We create additional customer-oriented documentation to help the client use the software effectively
  • We provide services to migrate the existing applications and data, if any, to the new software
  • We provide technical support to the software delivered. Our standard terms and conditions include 2 weeks of FREE technical support.
  • We provide ongoing technical support, and can provide services to modify the functionality / add new features.

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       Intelligent Technology Development Limited is registered in Iran as a Hi-Tech Services Provider.
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