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J2EE Application Development

Java Competency Center helps clients realize the benefits of Enterprise Java J2EE platforms, and related technologies including Web Services and J2ME. MUSINGWAY has built a competency center that focuses on skill building, knowledge management and pioneering research in emerging Java technologies.

MUSINGWAY leverages offshore cost and scalability advantage to significantly reduce development cost across various J2EE development. MUSINGWAY's Java Competency Center uses deep platform expertise in developing and delivering enterprise solutions. MUSINGWAY reduces software development costs by over 50% by leveraging competency expertise, offshore cost and scalability.

MUSINGWAY has made significant investments in creating and growing the Java Competency Center. With trained and experienced Java specialists, engineers in MUSINGWAY's Competency Center conduct internal training programs for continuous learning and hands on experience.

The objectives of this team involve:

  • Providing technical solutions implementing Java
  • Resolving problems faced in applying Java technology
  • Establishing a forum for knowledge sharing among developers
  • Building competency in chosen application servers and services
  • Developing reusable components that can be used across projects
  • Conducting organization-wide training programs in Java technologies

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       Intelligent Technology Development Limited is registered in Iran as a Hi-Tech Services Provider.
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